Tony Stacey, Cooptee

Tony has 32 years of experience as CEO of two housing associations, South Yorkshire Housing Association and Hexagon. SYHA has won a string of national awards including Most Innovative Social Housing Organisation in the country and Best Provider of Care and Supported Housing.  The Association has been rated as one of the top 25 Housing Associations to work for.

Tony was a member of the Housing Board of Sheffield’s LEP and sat on their Fairness Commission.  He chaired PlaceShapers for 5 years, which promotes the values of community-based associations.  He is a Cooptee of Manningham Housing Association and chairs the NHF’s Equality and Diversity group for Yorkshire and the Humber. Tony received the OBE for services to social housing in 2017.

Tony is not a Board member but is a Cooptee on the Growth and Assets Committee