Domestic Abuse Support
Are you a Manningham Housing Association tenant or resident? Do you want to learn new skills or polish up on your exiting skills to gain working experience to move into paid employment? Are you passionate about your local community and do you want to volunteer in the following areas?
Volunteer Office administration
Volunteer community Development officer
Volunteer IT/Digital/Media Worker
Volunteer Research Assistant?
Volunteer Funding Assistant
Volunteer Tenant Member
Volunteer youth or over 50s worker
Volunteering Coordinator
In addition to the above, you can choose to volunteer in other areas, such as; community/people empowerment, development or community regeneration, health and wellbeing, community business development, employment and/or welfare advice. If you would like to get involved please get in touch with [email protected]
The Xperience Volunteering Project (XVP) was launched in January 2020 where local people and service users will be given an opportunity to learn new skills and gain confidence, improve self-esteem and build emotional resilience and work towards moving into paid employment.
The project will offer accessible opportunities for local people to volunteer using their own strengths and skills-set from 2 hours right up to 20hrs a week with expenses paid for by MHA.
In addition to this, all volunteers will have full access to a range of personal development training such as how to be assertive, how to become more confident, use Social media, including word, excel, budget management training, first aid and other training such as food hygiene training.
If this is of interest and you can speak multiple languages and/or English is NOT your first language, then we would be happy to hear from you and offer you volunteering opportunities with either MHA or our partner agencies such as Bradford CAB and wider.