Paying Your Rent

Your rent pays for most of the services you receive from MHA. You can pay through a secure online system or other easy ways to pay your rent.

Ways you can pay your rent:

You can pay by…

  • Logging on to your MYMHA online customer portal – Go to MY ACCOUNT – Pay MY Rent.
  • Direct Debit – You can set this up with us over the phone or complete the Direct Debit Mandate and send it to us. Click here to download the Mandate Form.
  • Cash via ALLPAY Card at any pay point or post office. If you require a card please contact the Income Team at [email protected].
  • ALLPAY App – to pay online using your Debit card.
  • Debit card payment at our office or over the phone.
  • Bank Standing Order.
  • Online Banking – Bank transfers into MHA account.

If you would like to pay via standing order or bank transfer, our bank details are listed below.

Account name: Manningham Housing Association

Account number: 320 277 61

Sort Code: 56-00-36

Note: Please quote your tenancy 6-digit reference number (which can be found on the top left of your rent statement) as a payment reference with your name.

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