
Our service promise

Our purpose is to be an excellent housing association, improving people’s lives by providing good quality homes for those who need them and a range of services aimed at maximising enjoyment of the home and the local area.

We understand what is most important to our customers through effective involvement and engagement and we have agreed several service standards with our customers. We make a promise to deliver this to a consistently good standard. Our customer promise sets out the service you can expect from us and our customer standards give you detail about how we will deliver our promise and the service you can expect when you contact us.

Our Customer Service Promise covers:

  • Accessing our services and getting involved
  • Renting homes and paying your rent
  • Looking after your home
  • Working in your neighbourhood

Useful documents:


Customer Service Promise


Annual Tenant Report 2023 – 2024


Our Service Charge




Tenant Satisfaction Measures April-23 to Mar-24

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